Friday, August 27, 2010

Scared to hell!

You haven't missed the latest release of Suckers TV now have you? If you have, you've got it right here below, go nuts!

We've got a new gig added to the horror movement aswell, and it's Halloween baby! We'll be co-headlining a Halloween show together with swedish horrorpunks The Nightshift at Brygget in Motala. It's gonna be bloody, brutal and funny as fuck so be there or miss out!

If you've got facebook like all the cool kids, you can join the event for the show by clicking here. Or here. Or maybe here? They all link the same so doesn't really matter, PSYCHED!

We've got more gigs in the plans that would all join up to become what we're calling The TormenTour, so keep your eyes open! Cool name huh?

And something for you true fucks out there who reads this blog, I can reveal a little secret. We've got a 6th member coming in! Who could it be, what will it do? Time will tell!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Do you think we're robot clean!

What's up boils and ghouls? In case you're doing a handstand it would be your feet I guess!

So do you like Misfits (well the older Misfits atleast)? Do you like us? Two stupid questions with one obvious answer, hell yeah! Well we covered Misfits rather complicated song We Are 138 and just released on our MySpace. We've been playing that song live for quite some time but we thought we'd get it on tape aswell so we did!

Listen, enjoy, spread and tell us what you think!

Zombiesuckers MySpace

Monday, August 9, 2010

They came alive!

Like I wrote in the last blog post Von Ripper's been working on some acoustic stuff, including a version of Creatures Come Alive which is a new song we've got going. So in to the studio we went for two days to get it on tape! Or actually it was Von Ripper who went in and me sitting around taking pictures, filming and eating food, since there's nothing else for me to do there really, but hey! This version is a duet with female vocals by Johanna which turned out very cool.

So now you might think you'll get to hear it right, but in your face on that one! Eventually you will, but it still has to run through the final mix and stuff like that before we unleash it to the world.

There's that fucking thing again! Hmm..

So what else is going on nowadays in camp Suckers? I've got some cool news to reveal soon atleast that I'm pretty psyched about, so stay tuned for that! Other than that we got a new gig confirmed in our hometown Linköping where we'll be supporting Sonic Syndicate when they pass by here on their We Rule The World tour. Other gigs are in talks aswell so hopefully we'll have a bunch more to reveal in a very soon future!