Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Time flies when having rum! So this years Halloween has passed and I hope you all had a killer one! We ended up playing shows on the 29th and the 30th and we kicked ass as usual.. I hope! On the 30th we played together with fellow Swedish horror-rockers The Nightshift that we haven't played with since 2008 so was cool to meet up with the guys again, check them out!

We were planning on premiering a brand new song, but then we didn't so that'll just have to wait until next time! I'll let you in on the super secret title though, just for you faithful readers! This masterpiece will be called Level 6, and if there's anyone out there who knows what Level 6 is, then you should know the theme of the song aswell. What can I say, we like movies! Or atleast I do, and since I write alot of our material it's very easy to just spawn songs out of cool movies, so there might be a movie-themed song or 2... or 5, on our next album aswell.

Hint, hint..

We're currently writing a whole lot of songs for the upcoming album, following our debut Tales From The Undead. We're aiming at a April/May 2011 release or so, and then hitting Europe with all we've got! So far we got a really cool gig lined up where we'll be sharing stage with the likes of Murderdolls, The Other, Rezurex and a bunch of other kick-ass horror bands. But with all things cool there's always restrictions so I can't tell you anything about it just yet, but as soon as we get green light I'll let you know!

There's probably a whole lot more I could write and write about to let you know pretty much fucking everything about us, but too much text bores me and I bet alot of you are the same. So I'll save some for later! And heads up, our new bass player will be announced soon!

I stole some sparkles from Twilight

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