Friday, November 19, 2010

What doesn't kill you only makes you older!

25 years old, that's how far I've come in life by now as I turned that number 2 days ago. So happy birthday to me! And what's better than checking in to a hotel and catch some awesome bands live on the special day!

Said and done, me and my girl travelled to Stockholm on the 16th, checked out the hotel and then went out and grabbed some amazing food and watched some standup comedy. This was my first live standup I attended and it was hilarious so I gotta do that again!

Day 2, the day of the dead.. me.. we hit town and got some shopping done to get the day going until the event of the night, always fun spending money! Went back to the hotel and corked up the champagne to make it all a tad bit better!

The blackest bottle of them all ofcourse!

A bottle later feeling like superman it was time to catch the sub to Hovet where TASTE OF CHAOS took place. First band we saw was SUICIDE SILENCE which probably had the best crowd of all bands that night, but I'm assuming it's because of Mitch's amazing birdbang. Next up was HEAVEN SHALL BURN! I haven't listened to them much, recognized maybe one song or so, but they kicked ass and delivered better than the mailman himself. Also they threw shirts and stuff out into the crowd.. got me thinking, we should do that too! Great idea right?

Two beers are better than one!

A few more beers, Jack Daniels and the best of the best, rum and coke, later it was time for the band I was there to see the most. The one and ony Jakoby and PAPA ROACH! Say what you want but I think they're great! So front-row time and BOOM!, they blow away all their hits with a bang. And something I always enjoyed when watching bands live is the hunt for the sticks, picks and everything else the bands throw out! So this show was not an exception ofcourse, and I managed to catch a drumstick from Tony Palermo. I rock!

After that we watched AS I LAY DYING aswell and then it was time to head back to the hotel! All and all it was an amazing birthday!

Captain out!

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