Monday, April 19, 2010

One step closer to Misconduct!

Something like that yeah! Was away to Karlskoga over the weekend to check in my homeboy Danny's releaseparty with Misconduct for their new album One Step Closer. The gig kicked ass and I'm broken, beaten and bruised from head to toe, hurts having fun sometimes but totally worth it! Check them out at, you will NOT regret it!

After being hypnotized and forced to get un-sober for 2 days straight, waking up on a kitchen floor we went home to our own domain. Rocks going away having fun, but let's face it.. getting home afterwards fucking rocks aswell. Especially when my love is at home! Aaaw.. how cute of me. All and all, I love my life and yeah.. that's pretty much. Until next time!

For more deadly serious pictures tune in on my faggy page at bilddagboken!

Captain & Danny, livin' the dream!

Acting cool with Wolverine

Danny needed to lose some tension before the gig, so I gave him a helping.. hand?

My main mermaider, Gobo a.k.a. The Driver!


All and all, this trip was THIS fun!

Showing some love to Sonic Syndicate

Monday, April 12, 2010

House of Mysterious Secrets!

I was just sitting here rather bored and looking around for some fun/cool/stupid/totally unnecessary stuff to buy. And there's a site that I recently was told of, that I visit pretty frequently nowaydays that's called House Of Mysterious Secrets that I thought I'd tell you guys about.

This site sells so much cool stuff for all your horror needs, including everything from bobbleheads, frankenstein kitchen-wear, Freddy Krueger puzzles, zombie licenseplates to 1964 glow-in-the-dark frankenstein models and yeah.. pretty much everything.

So go spend your entire food budget/college fundings on!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ahoy there!

Arrr me mateys and landrubbers out there! This is the Captain speaking, fasten your seatbelts because we're going in for a bumpy ride.

Alright, so what's this gonna be? I thought I'd just get one of these trendy blogs, seeing our band being so trendy and all.. err.. Anyway, there's all the official sites like MySpace, Twitter, Facebook etc. but I wanted something where I can just write about what we're doing and when we're not doing shit aswell, to get another perspective of the whole amazingness. So that's what this will be, a peak into what we're up to in the band and shit like that, seen through the Captain's eyes!

So how often it'll be updated, and what it'll all be I have no idea of. But time will tell right? Damn right it will!

Captain out!