Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ahoy there!

Arrr me mateys and landrubbers out there! This is the Captain speaking, fasten your seatbelts because we're going in for a bumpy ride.

Alright, so what's this gonna be? I thought I'd just get one of these trendy blogs, seeing our band being so trendy and all.. err.. Anyway, there's all the official sites like MySpace, Twitter, Facebook etc. but I wanted something where I can just write about what we're doing and when we're not doing shit aswell, to get another perspective of the whole amazingness. So that's what this will be, a peak into what we're up to in the band and shit like that, seen through the Captain's eyes!

So how often it'll be updated, and what it'll all be I have no idea of. But time will tell right? Damn right it will!

Captain out!

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