Thursday, September 30, 2010

Keep it in the crypt!

While writing this I'm watching Metalocalypse, and if you have missed that show for some strange reason you should go check it out 'cause it's hilarious! Kinda good of me to be able to write a blog and watch a show at the same time aswell right?

Well for you who follow my bands Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or any of those fancy sites I guess you already seen us introducing that thing you've been seeing lurking around. And if not, go check some of our sites damn it! Well it's the Cryptkeeper I'm talking about and he's gonna be doing all the sound effects and other cool stuff to make sure our live show gets even better. So yeah now we're a six-piece, but there's gonna be some other changes aswell but the future will tell you all about that.

Other than that we're just getting prepared for the upcoming shows, nailing the setlists that we'll be playing, and we'll also introduce a new cover we'll be doing live. Come to any of our shows to see which one! Or follow our YouTube channel, since it all finds its way on there eventually anyway.

I'm also featured in Brandon Myles Perry's new book "How to view and review post-modern/classical Horror Cinema". He wrote me and asked if I wanted to be part of it as an artist in the musical genre that reeks horror! A bunch of artists contributed to the book including Calabrese, Blitzkid, The Crimson Ghosts, Eerie Von (Danzig, Samhain), Diemonsterdie and a bunch more so check that out if you want to read some cool stuff about horror films.

I guess that wraps it up for now, now I'm off to check out the new Bad Religion album. I hear it's bad-ass, hope it is! Also you'd wanna check out Dimmu Borgirs new release Abrahadabra, it's killer!

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